
Best Practices to Improve remote employee efficiency with Remote Monitoring Systems

Though the pandemic-induced economic conditions have been despised by many, it has provided an important lesson for establishments- scale up the cybersecurity infrastructure on a long-term basis to remotely monitor employees anywhere at any time. Companies have realized that the threat of a cyberattack can come from both within and outside the company. The Chief Information Security Officers or CISOs of companies have come under much pressure to enhance the company’s digital security infrastructure by introducing remote monitoring systems. However, it is essential to follow best practices while creating a hybrid workforce monitored remotely.


Any business initiative’s success lies in ensuring that all stakeholders are thoroughly informed about it. The employees will welcome the establishment of remote monitoring as a cybersecurity initiative. However, they may be wary of the prospect of their employer tracking their activity, compromising their privacy.

It is also possible that secretive systems will compromise the company culture when employees are made to believe that they are untrusted by their higher officials, compromising the company’s defensive posture. The employees must be regularly informed about the purpose and scope of monitoring, the protocols for managing the collected data, and how the collected data will be used.  Open forums can be conducted for employees to ask questions and provide feedback about the new initiative directly to the employers.


In the pandemic, remote workers are in huge demand for companies. However, they are more likely to less productive than the on-campus employees. They are more likely to use personal devices for work-related assignments. Remote monitoring systems like the Workexaminer employee computer monitoring software can monitor almost any employee’s activity, from interactive time to idle time and video calls and audio conversations.

Therefore, CISOs have to prioritize the data to be monitored and refrain from oversighting, lest employees feel that the company is watching the employees’ genuine moves that they need not be watching. Moreover, collecting lesser data ensures better employee confidence and employee productivity.


Cybersecurity is a high-demand job, so high demanding that majority of cybersecurity professionals consider quitting their jobs. Reports show that cybersecurity professionals receive thousands of alerts from the systems, all of which they may not attend to effectively. Therefore, the best option for companies is to automate the cybersecurity process. Automated monitoring systems report only the critical cases and reduce unwanted employee behavior.


The biggest lesson from the pandemic is adaptability; companies should adapt themselves according to the changing work environments. Cybersecurity vulnerability can hit a company very hard. Therefore, companies have to ensure that they are updated to the latest changes in cybersecurity. This has become important because remote employees are more profitable for companies than on-campus employees.