
What is Cyber Simulation

In spite of the billions of dollars that are being put into the cyber security industry, there are still reports of the industry still being under threat from new and improved tactics from enterprising hackers, bringing the element of fear as to the security of data critical to the proper functioning of the organization. This is where the concept of the Cyber Simulation comes in. Cyber simulation can help your organization by simulating a real-world attack on your IT infrastructure, which can test your organization’s defenses, the knowledge and skills of the professionals (employees) in handling such threats, testing your processes and procedures – which can be a huge asset in the fight against cyber threats. The outcome of a cyber simulation will help you and your organization get a better picture as to the current state of the defenses being employed, and how this picture can be changed to incorporate a much more solid defense.

The one truth that you cannot get away from is that eventually, the day will come when your organization is attacked by malicious actors, and you will need to be prepared for such an eventuality. When you take your security team, and train them at the cyber range, which is a platform for cyber simulation to take place, then you are giving them an edge over the attackers, with exposure to real-world cyber-attacks in the pressure filled time span in which they occur, thus dramatically improving their response times to such attacks as well as their performance in dealing with this.

In order to build an effective cyber simulation, the organization must work with experienced cyber security organizations and experts in order to be aware of the trends of the security space, so that the simulation that is built will serve the intended purpose and will not be out of date. As we know, that simulations are very effective when used properly, and can be powerful tools to impart proper real world experience to the professionals who have to deal with such security threats. A proper cyber simulation must adhere to the standards that have been set by eminent organizations that have already constructed such simulators. In order to be able to properly assess the threats as well as the threat response, the simulator needs to adhere to some basic parameters that have already been set by such organizations.

Proper cyber simulation requires that the organization owns high end computing and networking equipment, along with software that accurately models a variety of attack scenarios that are congruent with real world scenarios, and to then pit these professionals by giving them the tools and equipment necessary to be able to defend the data as well as the hardware equipment from the attacks. A proper cyber simulation serves as the first line of defense for any organization looking to seriously counter the threats posed by such malicious actors, and it is very important that any organization looking to implement such a simulation, goes after it seriously and implements the latest technologies into this simulation in order to derive the most benefit.