Whether you are an experienced marketer or a business owner, you know that marketing is a trigger for growth. The main task of a well-designed marketing strategy is to get your customers interested in the products that you are selling.
Marketing comes in different forms, for example, advertisements in the print media were quite common twenty years ago, and now it is impossible to imagine a modern company without the presence on the Internet.
Digital technology comes to the picture, and the world will never be the same. The IT expert wrote in his commentary in Forbes that many things in our lives will be significantly different by 2025, and we can’t agree more. Web harvesting can help to stay on top of the marketing industry. Here is how it can be used by marketers.
3 uses of web scraping
First of all, let’s say a few words about web scraping itself. Simply put, web scraping is when you gather vast amounts of data from the websites and then arrange this information for further use. How can it be helpful for marketers?
1. Lead generation
You need to know where the audience for your products is. Using a web scraping service is the quickest way to find this information, especially if we are talking about social media.
2. Market research
Market research is essential to determine what products are the most popular in the market, what problems users face, and where new opportunities are hidden. You may want to do it on your own, but this process is time-consuming without web scraping tools.
3. Tracking competitors
It is difficult to overestimate the role of web scraping here. It helps to track the results of marketing campaigns, the reaction of the community to them, and the weak points of the brand. This way, you can avoid content that provokes negative feedback.