
Web Filtering Technology- All There is to Know

Technology has transformed many aspects of our livelihood. From social media platforms to websites and lots of information online, it’s evident that technology has so much to offer. Sounds exciting? Not really! You’re exposed to multiple threats online and can easily fall prey to hackers or inappropriate content. This shouldn’t worry you, though, which is why web filtering technology is essential. 

What is web filtering?

Web filtering is a technique that restricts internet users from accessing specific websites. It’s a security technology that tracks your web activity and blocks you from accessing websites containing malicious content. This is achieved by barring your browser from loading pages from these sites. 

The process uses web filters that offer different solutions for usage by individuals, institutions, businesses and even governments. An example is the China firewall test which verifies if your preferred website is blocked in China. That’s not all; this is a valuable technology to parents with young kids and teens. It helps parents block specific websites to stop kids from accessing unsuitable content. It’s also handy in the workplace and can block employees from accessing certain sites.

 How does it work?

Filtering technology scans a website when a user requests a web resource before resolving the DNS request. The web filter will then allow you to access the site if it’s deemed to be safe. But, if the scan suspects that the site may be malicious or suspicious, the web filter will block access.

What are the distinct types of web filtering?

 Companies and governments use different approaches to curb security attacks online. These involve firewalls, multifactor authentication, antivirus software, and more. Web filtering adds yet another robust layer of security, which helps avert malicious activity before it affects a user’s device. For instance, business operators can use the great firewall test to determine if their website is blocked from use in China.

The types of web filtering are:


  • Browser-based filters

Browser-based filters come in different versions and can be in the form of browser extensions or add-ons. They are easy to implement, and their downside is that they are not very strong. For this reason, most companies and organizations don’t use them. 

  • Search Engine Filters

 You’ll likely use a search engine filter when searching the web. This is a filtering feature offered by some search engines to limit inappropriate search results. The technology blocks inappropriate content from appearing on the search results. 

  • Client-side Filters

 Client-side filters are different from other web filters in that they are installed on the user’s device. They are easy to implement for families but may not be a favorite choice for organizations.

  • Network-based Filters

 These are web filtering solutions that protect many users at scale; they filter malicious websites across an entire network. Also, they are typically managed by a single administrator.

  • Content-limited ISPs

 This is a web filter that blocks users from accessing certain websites if they are subscribed to a particular service.

In summary, web filleting is a handy technology that helps block specific sites and content from the user. You can implement the technology at home or business to prevent access to inappropriate content or enhance your online security.