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Know the Growing Trend of Instagram Followers

Instagram is another trendy social network platform where you can share photo and videos from your smartphone. It is picking up the trend as other social network apps. Just like, you first need to create an account with full profile and other necessary details. When you post a photo or video, it will be displayed on your profile and other members who follow you will be able to watch it. The same way you can see other posts if you follow them, virtually you are creating a group. Instagram Followers follow each other to share their photos and videos. More info here

Simpler version

Instagram is a simpler version of Facebook.You interact with others either by following them or being followed by others. Additional features like tagging, commenting, liking, and messaging makes it more personal and interesting. You can download Instagram free from sites, and it is compatible with I phones, I pads and Android devices like smartphones, tabs, and tablets. Before you start sharing your video files with friends, you need to create a new account by using your existing Facebook or email id. You get a unique username and password to access your Instagram account.

Followers and Following

It is all about visual sharing, and the posts which are alluring and interesting is followed most. Every account has “Follower” and “Following” count, which represents a number of people following the particular user and user following a number of people. When you create your profile by default it is set to the public i.e., anyone can view your profile and photos and videos you uploaded on the site. But you can switch to private, so followers need your approval to view your posts. The more articulate, alluring your post will be, the more will be your Instagram Followers. Interacting on posts makes it more personal and joyous; you can like it or make a comment and even can share with other people via direct message.

Editing your posts

Instagram has added many new features since its initiation in 2010. Previously you could upload a photo through the app now you can do it directly from existing photos and videos from your device. You can apply filters and can edit it to make it more interesting and enthralling to others. The maximum time for a video to play is one minute. There are two different icons for video, and photo chooses the appropriate one while posting it. You take a snap or video through the app or upload it from the existing one selecting it from the preview box. You choose any filters from an array of 23 filters to give it the desired look. Editing gives you the option of adjusting brightness, contrast, and structure of the photo. You can trim or select a cover frame for the videos. Wrench option gives you the choice to adjust saturation, highlight, warmth, and contrast of the photo. A caption to your photo makes it more interesting and specific. After you completed editing, applied filters made a remarkable caption upload it, tag other users to it or tag it to geographical location. Photo map features enable you to see a world map, so you choose your location where it is to be tagged.