
10 Important CodeIgniter Features you should know about

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There are software development company which offer codeigniter web development services. As the features of CodeIgniter are highly appealing, more and more online businesses are turning to it. Below here are some of the best codeigniter features which make it so famous amongst developers and online businesses.


CodeIgniter has low server requirements. In comparison to the other PHP frameworks, CodeIgniter works with PHP4 and PHP5. Sometimes codeigniter development company USA switch between two framework if needed in their work, this makes things a whole lot simpler.

MVC Architecture Support

It works on the MVC model. Though model view controller isn’t something new, most PHP frameworks are built on it because it is simple to configure. Even large apps are easily manageable with it.

Simple and easy

CodeIgniter is simple to use and expand on in comparison to the other PHP frameworks as stated by developers. It is simple to add variations with CodeIgniter along with writing new libraries and amending its behavior.

The package involves everything you will need for your project. Some of the built-in libraries found in this framework are zip encoding, calendar, email, uploading, resting, validation and much more.

You don’t have to install it. Installation of new frameworks is very challenging, but you don’t have to go through that in CodeIgniter. You don’t require PEAR packages or any server modifications to make it run. All you have to do is upload the files to the server and you are good to go.

It offers database abstraction. All renowned frameworks come with database abstraction layers. You can create, insert, update and delete statements without writing out raw SQL. It also permits you to change your database in different ways.


One of the major benefits offered by CodeIgniter is that safety tools which are built-in in this framework. You can choose the security level you need. It has default actions like terminating runtime directions when permitting system initialization.


CodeIgniter has an active and constant developing user community. So, you can just turn to them whenever you have an issue or query. This is one of the major benefits which attract most developers.

It has documentation like no other framework. What is the most appealing feature of CodeIgniter is that it has different kinds of PHP frameworks in its documentation. It is because of its growing community and the company it is being backed by. EllisLab has spent a lot of time in including quality documentation to the user community of CodeIgniter.

So, all in all CodeIgniter is a highly known and practiced PHP framework which can add to your websites functionality. Sometimes the framework faces competition from CakePHP. A cakephp web development company offers similar types of services and is an amazing option to progress your online business. Whether you want CodeIgniter services of CakePHP development services, Rockers Technology is your one-stop solution for all kinds of web development needs. Just discuss your project with the technicians and they will tell you the kind of framework your project needs.