Each time when creating a site, designers encounter several standard problems, such as creating a site’s frame, navigation, login, user’s account, etc. These problems are standard because they are faced every time you create a new site. Therefore, it is not surprising that someone once noticed this and began to collect solutions for such typical problems. At the moment, there are many sites where you can find patterns for various elements of UI design. In this article, we will consider what, in our opinion, patterns will be in trend this year. For each element of web design, there are thousands of templates, but we decided to highlight the main thing and chose the 4 best patterns from http://licreativetechnologies.com/web-design-company that will be popular this year.
- Meshless structure
The site frame without a grid allows the user to focus on the content and highlight the main message because this approach is different from the traditional layout based on the grid. The user will see an unfamiliar scheme, and it will attract his attention. This pattern is suitable for sites offering new services or products to customers, as it will allow you to feel the “difference”.
- Cards
This pattern has been known for many years but is still one of the most effective approaches to the design of sites loaded with content. It can be successfully applied both to a social network and to an online store. In general, this template is suitable for any type of site, since it allows you to place more elements on the page, but at the same time does not create an overload effect. Rather, the page will look more structured. Thus, cards will remain one of the most effective UI patterns in 2017.
- One-page site
There are several reasons why the one-page website design will be in trend this year:
The design and development of a one-page site require less cost than a site with complex navigation.
It is simple and intuitive and therefore user friendly.
Users simply “scroll” the page to see more, and they know what to do to return to the recently viewed information – just scroll up the page.
Even some large Internet companies such as Gmail, Spotify, and Tumbler use a one-page approach, as they strive to ensure the fulfillment of tasks and goals of the user within one page. This pattern is one of the best web page design templates that should not be ignored in 2017.
- Asymmetry
Such a pattern will set your site apart from others, and quite sharply. It attracts attention from the first second of being on the site and creates an entertaining effect. It causes a desire to see more (in case this is a good example of an asymmetric space, of course, otherwise such a pattern can cause the opposite effect and push the user away). This is a minimalistic and fresh approach that copes with the problem of a too “strict” structure. However, use this pattern with caution, taking into account the type of your business. It should be considered by creative companies when creating sites.